We here at Common Man Games have a new way to allow fans to support what we’re doing.
It’s our VIP Club!
For as little as $66 you can become a lifetime member of this exclusive group.
Before we go any further with this, let’s recognize that…
Anytime someone backs one of our Kickstarters, or buys one of our games under any circumstances, they are doing amazing things to help us deliver great games to YOU!
By joining the VIP Club, you are taking this to the next level!
This is for those who want to demonstrate their commitment (at an even higher level) to “The Small Publisher”. It is your way of saying that you want to see more great games coming from Common Man, and that you recognize this is a costly endeavor which you are willing to help support.
As a way of recognizing your commitment and thanking you, CMG will do a variety of things for YOU (The VIP!), as follows…
We will list your name in the game somewhere (likely in the credits section of the rulebook). This will be done NOT JUST in the 2nd Edition, but forever in any and all Editions we publish, AND…
We will even do this in some of the expansions! AND…
This will be done in ALL of our games (not just Police Precinct). Meaning that, if you join the VIP Club now, that you will become a part of every game in this way. That’s a lot of…
“Fame for Your Name!”
To get some idea of how this might look click here.
Notice that there are several levels where you can be listed (Silver, Gold, etc). To pick your desired level simply select the corresponding dollar amount, as follows…
SILVER = $66
GOLD = $80
CHIEF = $300
Q – Why Go higher than Silver?
A – To get even quicker deliveries, heightened status on our VIP hierarchy, To send a strong message to CMG (and the world) about how much you appreciate what they are doing and to help make more of this possible, AND… Trust me, we’ll be trying to figure out even more ways to reward the higher levels for making these strong commitments.
We will make every attempt to give you preferential treatment in terms of shipping rewards. The plan would be to ship “The Chiefs” first, then Platinum, then Gold, then Silver, then all the other backers, and finally the Econo Backers.
This special treatment applies to THIS Kickstarter for sure, and furthermore we may be able to figure out a way to help you in this area for other Kickstarters in the future. Doing this will require us to come up with a good system (efficient & easy to run). Stay tuned!
When it comes to the USA, we will have the most control over this, but we plan to attempt to make this happen in all markets around the world (as much as possible without holding-up other shipments or letting costs escalate).
From-time-to-time we will try to offer you something that no one else can get.
Just to be clear, we don’t mean things that others can’t EVER get. We here at Common Man Games want to avoid whenever possible the offering of exclusive products. This is a cruel thing to do to completists.
So these offers would be to get the last of something that is running out and might not be re-printed for a while, or some sort of collectors item that was produced in a very short run. For example, left over review copies, or the original Prototype for a game, or a copy signed by the designer, or ____? (you name it, could be a lot of different things).
This might also happen when we want VIPs to be able to get something first. So it could be a timing issue, or ______? (once again, all sorts of possible fun things we might try to offer YOU!).
When this happens, we will go back to the VIP Club Members who pledged at the $66 Pledge Level in any of our Kickstarters (ever), and send them private invitations to some special offer.
We’re not sure of how often this sort of thing will happen or exactly what form it will take, but please know that we want to seek-out ways to make YOU feel special.
Like a VIP should!
In case we didn’t make it clear enough in the introduction part of this page, by joining the VIP Club, YOU will have our gratitude! And not just a little, but plenty of it. This whole program is MUCH more about YOU helping build brands you care about than it is about the actual “things” you get in return from CMG. This is an industry where it is hard for small players to make a living and to stick around long-term. This is true even with Kickstarter. As helpful as it is, Kickstarter is not a magic pill for publishers. No matter how you cut it, making great quality games is expensive. We could use a little help. In discussions of this program (The VIP Club), we have compared it to PBS doing a fund raiser. Meaning, we (CMG) are the PBS (trying to bring you great things) and you (The VIP Club Members) are the contributors who are getting a little something back from us, but mostly doing it to help the greater good. For this help we say THANKS!
Once again, in case we didn’t make it clear enough in the introduction part of this page, by joining the VIP Club, YOU are helping ALL fans of the game to get MORE & BETTER _____ (you can fill in the blank with lots of different things, but “Expansions” & “more games”, etc.). If you like what CMG is doing, YOU can help the movement gain momentum simply by joining.
Once a member of the club, your annual membership dues will be ZERO dollars! You only need to pay one time (when you join), and this gives you a life-time membership in the club. You can only join during a Kickstarter, and here’s why…
WHY $66
Well, there is a beloved old highway in the US called “Route 66”, and since YOU will be a beloved VIP, why not $66! To be honest, we needed to pick a number that was a bit unusual (not $50, $75, $99, $100, etc) because we wanted a number that would (hopefully) never be accidentally used for anything else, because…
The way we will house the contact info (The Member List) is via the Kickstarter pledge level for $66. We will try to make sure that each Kickstarter (beginning with the current one for the 2nd Edition) will have a $66 pledge level for VIPs.
Prior to this Kickstarter even beginning, some folks have made it onto the VIP list, and did it without picking the $66 level. In the future it is possible that others may be allowed to do this at times (under certain circumstances). These folks will enjoy the benefits of being a VIP, but may not receive all communications intended for VIPs (due to the nature of how contact info is being stored).
Becoming a member is as easy as 1-2-3…
1. PLEDGE ($66): Any time that we have a Kickstarter actively running, go there and pledge at the “VIP $66 Level”. Be sure to back at that level only (don’t back at another level and add the dollar amount for the VIP to your pledge). If you want some reward that has a limited availability or something, then you have a tough choice. Feel free to contact us to discuss, because in some cases we might be able to help.
On the day this was written (01/23/14), we did have an active Kickstarter running, which will end in 3.5 days, click here.
2. PICK SILVER, GOLD, ETC.: Decide if you want a higher level (if you pledge $66, then you will automatically be designated as “Silver”, but you can go higher if you want).
3. ADD SHIPABLES: If in addition to the VIP membership, you also want something shipped to you (which would be VERY common), then please add the appropriate dollar amount, and pledge that total amount.
EXAMPLE: A USA backer who wants to be a Gold VIP Club member and also wants a copy of the 2nd Edition would pledge $50 + $80 = $130.
Don’t worry about getting what you want (as long as you can remember what you want when the time comes), because we will send you a survey when the games are ready. You can use the survey to tell us exactly what you want and where you want us to ship it.
Wait, we have one more thing to say to anyone who even considers pledging at this level…