Future Campaigns

In order to help you make your decision about which of the Common Man Games products are best for you, we feel like it would be nice for you to know the direction we are taking with regard to Police Precinct and/or other future brands.

One way to do that is to take a look at some of the Police Precinct related items we hope to bring your way through Kickstarters in the future…

The new Event Deck has been so well received by those who have seen it, that there are many 1st Edition folks who want to get this 2nd edition item (but don’t want to have to get a whole new game).  We think this says a lot about just how cool these cards are!  In fact we wanted to make this item available through the 2nd Edition Kickstarter campaign, but feel that it deserves it’s own.  For more info about this topic, see the FAQ on the 2nd Edition Kickstarter page (toward the bottom of the page).

We have been in talks with Robert over at GTO about doing a campaign to add Police Precinct to their offerings.  We feel like they have a great platform for playing online.  Lots of details still to be worked out.  Stay tuned!

One approach we are seriously considering is packaging several expansions into a single box.  These would be larger expansions and with combining them, this would create an item that might even eclipse the base-game itself.  If we do this, the name of the Mega-Expansion would likely be Season Two.  Furthermore, we might purposely make the box WAY over-sized so that die-hard fans could place the base game inside along with ALL expansions (currently available and into the foreseeable future).  This “Extreme” box might also be a separate part of this same campaign and be dubbed “Police Precinct Deluxe Set” (and include the basegame, Season Two, The Kit, and have that all important room-to-grow! Lots of possible options worth considering. Stay tuned!

Trust me, we are on a journey together with this game, and it’s just beginning.  We are only scratching the surface of what Police Precinct can be.  Stay Tuned!

A big part of who Common Man Games is, involves US listening to YOU.

So, if you have some thoughts about Expansions, CLICK HERE!