
Welcome to the C.P.D. Assignment Desk!

Want to heighten the challenge of Police Precinct?

Want to vary the experience?

Then try one of these…


Special instructions for setting up any of the following scenarios listed below:
Step-1:  Set up the game in the normal manner.
Step-2:  Add in the extra issues listed in your chosen scenario, and so so one step at a time as listed.  While you are doing this step, please DO move the Crime Track if something triggers this to happen (and yes it can)!
Step-3:  End the game before it even begins if Step-2 makes this happen!
Step-4:  Play again if you dare!

(degree of difficulty = 5)
In this Assignment resources and time are running short, and you are facing a deluge of Emergencies and a growing criminal population.  This does not make it easy to do your special assignment, and the mood on the Street is not good. Here are the particulars: Your team can only roll 6 die for any single action.  Also, during set-up, place THREE Events, and 7 Punks on the board. Finally, Support Vehicles are not allowed in Solo and two-person games with this scenario.


(degree of difficulty = 6)
This Assignment involves Heavy Gang activity and citizen outcry has diminished community support for C.P.D. right when it is needed most. Here are the particulars: Remove two extra Punks from the game permanently AND start with 8 on the board. Also, move the Crime Track two spaces closer to fail! And finally, Support Vehicles are not allowed if playing a 1 or 2 player game, and move the Calendar Track extra spaces based on the number of players as follows:
2-players = 4 spaces
3-players = 3 spaces
4-players = 2 spaces
5-players = 2 spaces
6-players = 1 spaces


(degree of difficulty = 7)
With this assignment things start to get bloody, and the city feels like it is teetering on the edge. Here are the particulars: Remove three extra Punks from the game permanently AND start with 8 on the board (instead of 6). Place THREE Emergencies on the board. Also, move the Crime Track three spaces closer to fail! And finally, Support Vehicles are not allowed if playing a 1 or 2 player game, and move the Calendar Track extra spaces based on the number of players as follows:
2-players = 6 spaces
3-players = 4 spaces
4-players = 3 spaces
5-players = 2 spaces
6-players = 2 spaces


(degree of difficulty = 8.5)
In this Assignment your team must face great challenges as other murders are piling up and evidence in your primary case is proving hard to come by.  Here are the particulars: NO player taking the Investigation action may benefit from the use of Donuts, Police Cards, or back-up support from vehicles in your same space (only your own ability including upgrades, and the use of an unmarked car, count).  Furthermore, start with 9 Punks AND 4 Emergencies on the board.  Also, move the Crime Track four spaces closer to fail! And finally, Support Vehicles are not allowed if playing a 1 or 2 player game, and move the Calendar Track extra spaces based on the number of players as follows:
2-players = 9 spaces
3-players = 6 spaces
4-players = 5 spaces
5-players = 4 spaces
6-players = 3 spaces

Stay Tuned for MORE assignments coming your way, right here at The C.P.D. Assignment Desk!

For those who like to tinker, feel free to devise your own Assignments.  If you devise one that you think is really fun and you want to share it with others, let us know, and we will help you get it published. (Here’s how that will work:  1st CMG will create a thread on BGG regarding your Assignment, then you will post a detailed explanation of exactly how your Assignment works, then we will create a link from this page to your BGG thread.  This will allow for open discussion, sharing of stories / etc., and it will allow YOU to tweak the rules of your Assignment as needed based on Feedback and your own continued testing over time.)


1 – Junior Level
2 – Family Level
3 – Casual Gamer
4 – Default Settings
5 – Serious Gamer
6 – Difficult
7 – Extremely Difficult
8 – Suicide Mission
9 – Hall of Fame Material
10 – Considered Impossible


Do you like to do it your own way?  You can with Police Precinct.  YOU can “Go Rogue”!

This simply means that you’ll be making your own adjustments to the game.  It’s not hard, and you have plenty of options to choose from.  Using these you can make the game as easy, or as hard, as you wish (also varying time-of-play, etc.).

Before we get to the complete list of options for adjusting difficulty, we here at CMG would like to thank your for experimenting with Police Precinct  and to encourage you in this area.
Our official stance is that House Rules are great!  If you want to invent a special way of playing Police Precinct, then you have our blessing.  Have fun!!!

Here is a list we have devised to get you started:

Calendar Track — Picking an earlier date will increase the number of rounds and decrease
difficulty (and vise-verse).

Street Punk Supply — Decreasing the number in the supply for that game session will increase difficulty (and vise-verse).

Support Vehicle — Including this component in larger games (3-6 player) will decrease difficulty. Also, your SV’s (Support Vehicle’s) speed can be played with (try using Unmarked SVs that can only move 2 spaces, or even say that your’s can only move ONE space!). Also try adding more more SVs (easier).

Emergencies — Increasing the number of Emergencies placed on the board at the start of the game will increase difficulty (and vise-verse).

Police Cards — Increasing the number given to each player at the start will decrease
difficulty (and vise-verse).

Increasing Players — The game is designed for l-6 players, but all the tools are available to play with seven or even eight players if you so choose. Increasing the number of players provides additional support vehicles and in that way makes the game easier.

Dirty Cop — Increasing the number of Dirty cops (e.g. – putting one in a 3-person game, or two in a 6-person, etc.) will increase difficulty.

Evidence Deck — Removing cards will make the game easier (be sure to only remove worthless cards), and if you have Crooked Lawyers (Expansion) you can add MORE worthless cards (which will make it more difficult).

Donuts — Letting players start the game with a donut or two will make the game easier to win.

Upgrades — Removing the limit on upgrades and or starting the game with some upgrades in place will make the game easier to win.

Unknown Circumstances — Players may adjust the deck by removing certain tokens. Removing good tokens makes the game harder of course.

Patrol Officers — Use an extra officer (5th token) or placing some in Bad Hoods on the board at the start of the game (will decrease difficulty).

Street Punks on Game-Board — Increasing the number Punks placed on the board at the very start of a game will increase difficulty (and vise-verse).

Crime Track — Picking a space closer to fail will increase difficulty.

Character Selection — Certain characters are widely considered to be more powerful than others.  One  example of this is Joe Kinney with is higher skill-levels in two areas combined with his ability to cancel the effects of an Event Card.  By carefully selecting your characters, you can make the game easier or harder depending on the ones selected (both in terms of strength and how well they compliment each other).

EXPANSIONS — Using the expansions such as the MMD (Mad Men Deck) in total or even individual cards makes the game more difficult.  The same goes for use of the Rocket Launcher Card which plays well with the MMD.  Furthermore, most all of the expansions are designed to make the game harder.

More — There are more ways to tweak the difficulty of Police Precinct.  We have listed many of the options, but YOU can invent your own (add to this list).  Don’t hesitate to post on BGG if you find some fun combinations, or just tell about your latest game experience. Thanks for playing and Have fun!!!!



TOTAL VICTORY — If your team is able to WIN the game, and this is done with the Crime Track Marker still on the “Start” space (space #1) or if it only moved once (to space #2), then you have scored a Total Victory.  Mayor O. Steiness will be holding a parade in your honor!

MAJOR VICTORY — If your team is able to WIN the game, and this is done with the Crime Track Marker only moving two or three times (to space #3 or #4), then you have scored a Major Victory.  Mayor O. Steiness will be making an appearance at the Precinct House, and handing out Extra Donuts!

MARGINAL VICTORY — If your team is able to WIN the game, and this is done with the Crime Track Marker on either of the final two spaces (just prior to the Fail space), then you have scored a Marginal Victory.  In-spite-of budget constraints, Mayor O. Steiness will let you keep your job for now!


TOTAL VICTORY — If you are playing the Dirty Cop and you WIN the game without being revealed, this is considered a Total Victory (but no one is going to be holding a parade in your honor).

MAJOR VICTORY — If you are playing the Dirty Cop and you WIN the game, and you revealed yourself (it happened, but on your terms), this is considered a Major Victory.

MARGINAL VICTORY — If you are playing the Dirty Cop and you WIN the game, but other players revealed your loyalty (it happened, and NOT on your terms), this is considered a Marginal Victory.


You are encouraged to report for duty at BGG.  Tell us all what you like, what you don’t, what your would like to see coming out, what variants you have invented, what crazy things happened in your games, ask questions, share images, say what your favorite character is…  Anything you want!  Go here.