Expansion Characters


Thanks for coming to visit this page on the Common Man Games Web Site.  It’s dedicated to a particular group of new Characters for Police Precinct.  This group is the first set of Expansion Characters for the game ever, and is releasing in conjunction with The UPLIFT Campaign.  The full release will involve 10 Character Boards, most of which have two Characters on them (the 2nd printed on the reverse side of the board).  We desire to give this group of Characters a name, and that name is (of course) UPLIFT!  Thus any of the Characters from this group shall be known as an UPLIFT Character.


If you are going to utilize one of these Characters, select the one you want, then place it in your player area, finally grab one of the Support Vehicles from the box (both should be available for this use since the normal use of Support Vehicles in not allowed when using UPLIFT Characters).  Now notice the vehicle number listed directly on the car you selected and remember it.  That will be your vehicle throughout the game.  Finally, place that vehicle at the Station.


The rules are simple — Starting with, the use of Support Vehicles is not allowed.  The only other rule is that players should limit any given game session to no more than two of these Characters.*

That’s it for the rules.  They really are simple!


* WANT TO BREAK THE RULES?:  There are a whole host of reasons that we advise against breaking the simple rules for these Characters.  That said, if players prefer, for whatever reason, to break either one or both of those above listed rules, we here at Common Man give you our blessing along with our thoughts and advice as follows…

1.  Utilize a Code 11-42 if you wish to use Support Vehicles in a game.  The reason for this is that the 11-42 scenario will greatly heighten difficulty, which is very helpful since they (Support Vehicles) are a family friendly aspect to the game (meaning that they REALLY help the Cops to win).  We want to see YOU to be sufficiently challenged.  Our thinking is that if you have gotten your hands on this item (Meaning, any of the UPLIFT Characters) that you are likely a hard core gamer and need a bit more difficulty!

2.  We don’t want the base-game Characters to be forgotten, so give them some love from time to time.

3.  One aspect of breaking the rules is that you will (likely) have to devise certain methods of sourcing vehicles for your game session.  Here’s some ideas for that…

     A.  EASY
The easiest solution is to use any un-utilized vehicle that you might find in the game-box.  This will mean using a vehicle that has a specific Character’s name on it.  That’s fine, and to help you remember your vehicle, you can focus on the vehicle number and ignore the name listed listed on the vehicle.  On the other hand, if you DO prefer to focus on the NAME listed on your vehicle (rather than the number), and you desire a little extra help in remembering which is your vehicle, then feel free to take the Character board that is associated with the vehicle you selected and place it UNDER your UPLIFT Character board (then you can peek any time you want).  If you do this, consider that your Character’s vehicle is in the shop and you are borrowing another officer’s vehicle who is currently on vacation.

     B.  FUN
The most fun solution has to be that of, finding some Hot Wheel or Match Box cars to place down on your game board (that’s what we do when we go to cons — trust me, it’s a blast!).  Btw – We’re not original coming up with this idea, MANY fans of the game have done this.  Several extensive threads on BGG have appeared over the years that focus on this blinging-out of the game – Here’s one.  Police Precinct has become a favorite for this kind of treatment (almost to a cult level).  More than one great fan has made an entire 3D model of the board.  Check out this one!!!

    C.  FUTURE
We are also considering adding a new set of vehicles with the release of Season II.  With this we expect to include a motorcycle cop, a mounted police unit, a mobile command center, and more.  Part of this “more” component would hopefully involve a batch of SUV and pick-up style trucks with distinct names, but not ones that correspond directly to a particular character.  This approach will give players the opportunity to select a vehicle that has more personality (if you will) than simply a vehicle number, but simultaneously maintains the flexibility of easily working with any character they wish.  The Kickstarter for this will launch in the first half of 2016, so keep an eye out for that.


We are listing below all of the Characters, and roughly in the order that they will release (meaning actually get into the hands of fans of the game).  This will happen by listing their board number & Side letter (side A or Side B).

BOARD #1 — SIDE A (Character #17)

Character Name = Cipher, Type = K9 Patrol Unit, Notes:  Upgradable (Level One), rides with his handler in patrol car or undercover vehicle.  Real Cop? — YES!

BOARD #1 — SIDE B (Side-2 of Character #17)

Character Name = Cipher, Type = Advanced Detection Unit, Notes:  Upgradable (Level Two).

BOARD #2 — SIDE A (Character #18)

Character Name = Eric Johnson, Type = Cyber Forensic Unit, Notes:  Real Cop? — YES!

BOARD #2 — SIDE B (Character #19)

Character Name = Clarice Wilson, Type = Deputy Commissioner, Notes:  Yes, this is a nod to Agent Starling!

BOARD #3 — SIDE A (Character #20)

Character Name = Darby Clavel, Type = Officer Development

BOARD #3 — SIDE B (Character #21)

Character Name = Riya Chohan, Type = CPD Consultant, Notes:  Yes, this one is somewhat inspired by the TV Show Elementary.

BOARD #4 — SIDE A (Character #22)

Character Name = Jaclynn Haynes, Type = CPD Consultant, Notes:  Yes, this one is ALSO somewhat inspired by the TV Show Elementary.

BOARD #4 — SIDE B (Character #23)

Character Name = Doug Roderick, Type = Requisition Office, Notes:  Real Cop? — YES!

BOARD #5 — SIDE A (Character #24)

Character Name = Daryl Smith, Type = Internal Affairs, Notes:  Real Cop? — YES, and he really was in the Internal Affairs Division!

BOARD #5 — SIDE B (Related to #24)

The back side of Daryl Smith’s Character Board is used to explain more about his type of Character.  He is among “The Dirty Dozen” (the first in fact), which are a handful of Characters that would only be used in a game that involved a Dirty Cop.

======== The Above Items will release to UPLIFT KS Backers ========

BOARD #6 — SIDE A (Character #25)

Character Name = Richard Austria, Type = C.R.O., Notes:  Real Cop? — YES!

BOARD #6 — SIDE B (Related to #25)

The back side of Richard Austria’s Character Board is used to explain more about how to get this Limited Edition Dice Tower Exclusive Character.

BOARD #7 — SIDE A (Character #26) 

Character Name = Jan Moore, Type = Constable, Notes:  Real Cop? — YES!, and she’s the first in a series of international police officers who are involved in an exchange program with the CPD.

BOARD #7 — SIDE B (Character #27)

Character Name = Dave Moore, Type = Custody Sergeant, Notes:  Real Cop? — YES!, and he just so happens to be the REAL husband of Jan!

BOARD #8 — SIDE A (Character #28)

Character Name = Kendal West, Type = Sergeant, Notes:  Real Cop? — YES!

BOARD #8 — SIDE B (Character #29)

Character Name = Abril Avila, Type = Senior Patrol Officer, Notes:  Real Cop? — YES!, and she was awarded the Medal of Valor for extreme bravery in the face of grave danger (this involved an 11-99 call)!

BOARD #9 — SIDE A (Character #30)

Character Name = Dave Bremer, Type = Lieutenant, Notes:  Real Cop? — YES!

BOARD #9 — SIDE B (Player Aid Chart)

On the backside of the Dave Bremer Character Board is a special easy-to-use player aid chart that helps guide officers in how to handle the process of taking actions in the game.

BOARD #10 — SIDE A (Character #31)

Character Name = Michelle Schroeder, Type = C.S.O., Notes:  Real Cop? — YES!

BOARD #10 — SIDE B (Related to #31)

The back side of Michelle Schroeder’s Character Board is used to explain more about how to get this Limited Edition Dice Tower Exclusive Character.


Come take a look at the set of characters that comes with the base game.
