Z — Timing


When Will Police Precinct arrive?

Excellent question!

Here’s the scoop…

First of all, it depends on how you mean “arrive”.  It will arrive in your hands sooner if you order now (during the Pre-Release phase).

At the time this was last updated (early January), and based on what we knew at that time, here are some rough dates (best estimates):

FACTORY COMPLETION:  November 19th (Done Deal)

DISTRIBUTION CENTER:  January 3rd (Done Deal)

KICKSTARTER OUTBOUND:  January 15th (Done Deal) 
(date that the last Kickstarter parcel shipped out from DC)

PRE-RELEASE (YOU): January 16th (Done Deal)
(date of the first complete batch of Pre-Release parcels to ship out)

GENERAL PUBLIC:  February 16th (exact date TBD)
When you can actually buy it in a store

BGG is a great place to stay up-to-date on info about the arrival of Police Precinct.

 For details and updates on Police Precinct, please visit us on BGG using the following link…http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/118536/police-precinct

Note:  The above photo is placed here for effect (inspiration).  This is a random stock image of some port (who know where) with just a few containers (full of who knows what going who knows where).  If we are able to get any images of the actual container holding Police Precinct, we will post them here and on BGG.  Stay tuned!



Police Precinct – Pre-Release Order

While Supplies Last
Price: $138.79