The CMG Store is temporarily closed. 


We are planning to do a Kickstarter prior to re-opening! 

To Learn More GO HERE!




The re-opening of the store should happen at some point after the Season II Kickstarter is over.

Sorry for this temporary inconvenience.

Pleas do not place any orders below.

Any orders placed will be refunded (not shipped).

Thank you!


CMG Management.







Currently we have no projects that are active on Kickstarter, but several pending, so stay tuned! 



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Plus, you will automatically go on the Common Man Games update list and occasionally receive notifications about upcoming product releases.


While Supplies Last
Price: $138.79

This item is available on a limited basis, while supplies last.  There is a very tiny handful of the 1st Edition left, when they’re gone, they are gone forever! Owning one, is owning a part of history. This package deal includes EVERYTHING you could ever want (that is currently available). You get a copy of the 1st Edition (was selling on Amazon for $199.99 till it ran out completely), AND you get The Kit (which includes, fixes, ALL types of expansionary items ever made for the game, AND a revised Rulebook). Yes, this item DOES include a 5-Pack of Mad Men Cards, and it ships NOW!
UPDATE: We have added a temporary $50 premium charge to this item because we are so close to running out, and want to slow down the order flow for a period of time (until we have the 2nd Edition in hand).  We are afraid that we may need some number of copies available to ship to the factory for sample purposes (we want them to copy the component specs directly from a real copy of the game).  For this temporary price hike we do apologize, and we also recommend that people please wait, because the price should go down (if there are any left at that point), AND because the 2nd Edition will be ready pretty soon, so hang in there!


Includes The Heat, Rioting Gangs, and MORE!
Price: $28.80

This is the Full version of the 1st Edition Kit, as seen on both of CMG’s recent Kickstarters. It is exactly what will be available in stores starting on April Fools Day 2014.   It is also exactly like the Kickstarter version (no difference).
It includes:
The Heat
Rioting Gangs
Mad Men 5-Pack
Promo Cards (Rocket Launcher & Dirty Bomb), and
The Revised Rulebook
“If you own the 1st Edition, YOU should own the Kit too!”

For more info about the two types of “The Kit” Click Here!


THIS ITEM IS ON TEMPORARY HOLD — (and may not return Prior the Street Date.  If it returns after the Street Date, then the price will be $59.99.  The special pre-release price is only available so long as copies of the game are NOT in normal retail channels)
— Price was $51 —

This is the “Retail” version of the game. It does include everything you need to play. Some extras included with the Kickstarter Stretch Goals are NOT included, but can (when available) be purchased separately (see below).
Click Here for the projected Release Schedule.
Click Here for more information about this item.
Note:  It is possible that this item will become available via a Kickstarter prior to it’s Street Date, and if this happens the price will almost surly be lower via that Kickstarter than the price we are charging here at the CMG webstore.  So, making this purchase here does offer the risk of paying a bit more than if you waited.


THIS ITEM IS ON TEMPORARY HOLD — (but will likely return at some point)
— Price was $10 —

Some of the Stretch Goals are contained INSIDE the game-box (double sided Tokens & Board, etc.), but some are OUTSIDE the box (Naked Man Event & Mini-Cards).  By getting this item, you will receive ALL of the Stretch Goals that are OUTSIDE the box. Thus if you get this AND a copy of the 2nd Edition (from us or from a store, etc), you WILL have everything in the way of Stretch Goals!

Note:  It is distinctly possible that this item will become available via a Kickstarter prior to it’s Street Date, and if this happens the price will surly be lower via that Kickstarter than the price we are charging here at the CMG webstore.  So, making this purchase here does offer the risk of paying a bit more than if you waited.


THIS ITEM IS ON TEMPORARY HOLD — (and may not return Prior the Street Date. If it returns after the Street Date, then the price will likely be $89. The special pre-release price is only available so long as copies of the game are NOT in normal retail channels)
— Price was $81 —
This item is The Mother Load of Crime Fighting Fun for the 2nd Edition owner! Includes the game itself, all Stretch Goals (inside and out), and The 2nd Edition Kit, which has all of the following: The Heat, Rioting Gangs, Mad Men 5-Pack, Promo Cards (Rocket Launcher & Dirty Bomb).

For more info about the two types of “The Kit” Click Here!


WHY SO MANY ITEMS ARE ON HOLD:  The supply of Police Precinct will take a while to catch up with the demand.  Until then, Holds will enable us to fulfill the orders we currently have without running into a situation where we run out of product prior to servicing those who already ordered games.  Thanks and stay tuned!  Don’t forget to get on our Update List if you want to be notified when new product arrives (to do this go to the form located at the bottom of our home page).  Thanks!


Thanks to Seth and the gang down at MAYDAY Games, you can now order special card sleeves sized exactly to the specs of the Police Precinct Event Cards, which are a unique size and hard to fit to card sleeves (2 1/2″ X 3 5/8″).  There are also (48 total) smaller cards (1.75″ x 2.75″) in the game, but these are a standard size and can easily be found.  Having a source for the sleeves that fit the larger cards is great news, and for only $2.25 you get a pack of 100, which will enable you to cover ALL of your sleeving needs for these sized cards.  Meaning for the base-game Police Precinct and all of it’s existing expansions! For more info go here!  Or to pre-order Go Here!


Pre-orders for SNITCH are not available yet.  The first opportunity will come when we relaunch on Kickstarter.

Please note that you have two ways to pay…

PayPal, and Credit card.
The process can deceive you into thinking that you must have a PayPal account.

You DO NOT need a PayPal account in order to check-out. 

As the icons imply, YES, you CAN use a credit card!
For details click here.