
The following is the complete set of rules for SNITCH!


We do not expect these rules to change much (likely not at all).

A few things to note as you read through these rules:

1.  IMAGES:  We will of course be adding images to the rules. Each time you see this…
You will know where we are intending to place an image.

Also, please know that, if you don’t see an indication of a photo pending, this does NOT mean that one will not end up in that location.  There will be MANY more image in the final rulebook than there are “[photo]” indicators in this rulebook (below).

2.  EDITOR: The plan is to use ONE primary editor for the rulebook. We have selected someone who we think will do a great job because…
A. He hates bad rule books!!!!
B. He is an avid gamer!
C. He is one of our awesome Law Enforcement Consultants!

3.  MORE EDITORS: Yes we are planning on doing our usual /revised routine with this rulebook, which is to send it through the gauntlet of editors. After our primary editor has it where he wants it, then the White Team will get it. After they finish-up, the Red Team will take a look and so on. This process should result in a well written and error free rulebook!

4.  CURRENT STATE: What you see here is just the beginning of what will be the final product. Our primary editor has gone through it once, and since then we have merged it with the master.  With all this in mind, you may notice some errors. Feel free to let us know if you do. This is all part of how things get to the point of being perfect.

5.  ORGANIZATION:  The way information is organized and presented in a rulebook is critical. We feel like the way this is done (currently) is satisfactory, BUT we are NOT entirely happy, and we will NOT finalize this manual until we ARE 100% HAPPY!
(That is a technical term from the publishing industry)  😉
If through your help, we are able to reach full funding on this Kickstarter campaign, we plan to take another look at this.  The driving force for the process will likely be our primary editor, but the Brand Manager will be critical too.  Another possible route we may take with this upcoming re-write is to do it in-house, but then to use the main editor as a consulting force.  We have a theory about how this rulebook will turn out, and it is very based on the process we will undertake and on WHO we are using as our main editor, and here it is…
If he likes the rulebook, so will you!

6.  SET-UP CHART:  We were so happy with how the “Set-Up Chart” for Police precinct worked that we used it again here.  This is true, but it should be pointed out that the opposite is even more accurate.  Meaning that, since SNITCH! has been in development so long now (dating back to before Police Precinct even), the fact of the matter is…

We actually used that element of SNITCH in Police Precinct and really liked it. So in that sense, Police Precinct acted as a proving-ground for SNITCH!  The Set-up Chart for Police Precinct is the critical factor that makes it so perfectly balanced and allows it to play really well (very close games) no matter how many players or whether their is a Dirty Cop or not.  In SNITCH! there is a serious lack of critical resources. This is extremely challenging to the players, and is kept very consistent no matter the sizes of game (number of players) via the Set-Up Chart.

7.  PACING:  Once we begin the process of finishing this rulebook, things should move along quite rapidly.  So rapidly in fact, that we think it (and the entire game) will likely be done soon enough to share a container with The 2nd Edition of Police Precinct, AND allow both games to have the same Street Date.  To be more specific, we think these games will be available by BGG Con if not sooner.  Stay Tuned!

8.  THEME:  We are working on a balancing act with the theme & the rulebook. We have much to say on the topic of theme, but don’t want the rulebook to become cumbersome by stuffing too much theme discussion into it.  For more about this go here! 

Thanks for bearing with me for the preamble!

And now, please take a look at the rules…


SNITCH!©  V5.8

A game of law enforcement detection and information gathering to convict The King Pin!

1 to 4 players

90 – 120 minutes

13 years and up


● 1 first player marker [photo]

● 4 detective meeples (marks a detective’s location) [photo]

● 4 detective tiles (represents information gathered by the detective) [photo]

● 12 snitch markers (3 / player, represents the locations of a player’s snitches) [photo]

● 12 snitch tiles (3 / player, represents the capacity + contents of each snitch) [photo]

● 4 player aid cards (one per player) [photo]

● 1 rulebook

● 1 Jimmy-V overview page

● 16 action chips (4 per player) [photo]

● 30 regular map tiles (used in 1, 2, 3, and 4 person games) [photo]

● 6 2-person map tiles (added to the deck of tiles when two people play) [photo]

● 6 3-person map tiles (added to the deck of tiles when three people play) [photo]

● 6 4-person map tiles (added to the deck of tiles when four people play) [photo]

● 1 HQ Tile (the central station for law enforcement and DA offices) [photo]

● 12 Info (Information) ID markers (2 of each type) [photo]

● 48 Info cubes (8 for each type of information the snitches have to offer)

● 10 – 1 Status Point Markers [photo]

● 10 — 2 Status Point Markers [photo]

● 8 — 5 Status Point Markers [photo]

● 8 — 10 Status Point Markers [photo]

● 7 — 25 Status Point Markers [photo]

● 6 — 50 Status Point Markers [photo]

● 4 — 100 Status Point Markers [photo]


● Place the oversized HQ Tile in the center of the table.

● Count out the city map tiles to be used in this game session (see the set-up chart) facedown and give each player 3. Place any left over tiles to the side of the playing area.

● Count out the number of info cubes to be used in this game session (see the set-up chart), then place them to the side of the playing area. Please any excess back in the box. From the game supply, select six (one of each color) of the info cubes and randomly distribute one to each player.  Place any undistributed info cubes back into the general supply.  There is a scarcity of information in the city. If, during the game, a player earns a cube but the general supply has run out of that type of cube, the player is “out of luck”.  For example, if a player earns 3 black info cubes, but there are only 2 black info cubes left in the general supply, they would receive those 2 black info cubes, but nothing else.

● Randomize the info type ID tiles facedown on the side of the playing area.

● Players begin with 9 status points, place remaining status points to the side of the playing area.

● Players begin the game with a Starter Kit consisting of:  A detective meeple, the corresponding detective tile (with the Standard 4-Space “Level I Street Cred” side face-up), 4 action chips (placed dead side up), 3 snitch markers & 3 corresponding snitch tiles placed face-down (inactive mode).  All of these items should be placed in front of the player, except for the detective meeple. Place the detective meeple on one of the available spaces of the HQ tile.

[photo of one player’s Starter Kit in initial set-up state]

● FIRST PLAYER is the youngest participant. They go first AND are given the first player marker (important at the end of the game).

[photo of the whole game in initial set-up state]


● Use the following chart to set up the game depending on the number of players.

component 1-player 2-player 3-player 4-player
Map tiles in the game 30 36 42 48
Cubes in the game 5 of each type 6 of each type 7 of each type 8 of each type


Each player represents a new detective (either new to this precinct or new to the rank) who does not know the lay of the land and must get to know the criminal element in the area, build relationships with them and recruit informants (snitches).  This will enable the detective to obtain the information and evidence needed to bring charges against The King Pin. The District Attorney (DA) is overwhelmed by public outcries for results. Which is why they are creating tremendous pressure for detectives to do whatever it takes to get the info needed.  While this happening, things are NOT going well among the detectives.  They’re not working well together and it’s becoming quite evident that if the case is to be broken, it’s going to take a spectacular individual effort from someone.  Will it be YOU!?!


Building a case against HER [photo of the women from box cover], the King Pin, is the entire object of the game.  The winner is the Alpha Cop!  This means the detective that holds the most power by the end of the investigation.  Information is the key to power, and power is represented in the game through a combination of a detective’s Street Cred, accumulation of Status Points, and of course the size of their network of confidential informants (known in the game as “Snitches”).


Status points are the currency of the game.  They represent a detective’s influence and the level to which they have impressed the DA and other higher-ups.  SPs (Status Points) are accumulated as deliveries of critical info are made to the DA.  At times a detective may choose to use some of their status points to gain specific types of info (via a Jail visit).

The King Pin has a hand in everything, murder, arson, kidnapping, counterfeiting, extortion, you name it. The DA needs to connect the dots in this case to make a conviction.  This means that detectives will be most successful when they bring the DA widely varied of types of evidence (info).

Another use of Status Points is to “spend” (use-up) a certain number to gain control of (activate/upgrade) a Snitch. The DA does not like the approaches typically employed by Detectives to accomplish this, which is why it costs Status Points to do this. For this reason, most Detectives instead use information to accomplish this.

Once Status Points are awarded to a Detective, they are considered to be in the possession of that Detective and go with them wherever they go (as represented by their meeple).  This is important when upgrading tiles, as all resources needed must be present where the upgrade occurs


Players “build” (establish) snitches to make them a permanent part of their network. Snitches aid the detective in two critical ways:  They can safely warehouse info (within their carrying capacity), AND they earn one new info cube per turn.  The “size” of snitches varies and affects the number of info cubes they can hold (2-6 cubes).

Level #1 Snitches are basic street hustlers (hold up to 2 cubes).

Level #2 Snitches are in charge of a crew of thugs (hold up to 4 cubes).

Level #3 Snitches report directly to “The King Pin” (hold up to 4 cubes).

Max of ONE established (built) snitch per Zone of Influence (ZOI).


This tile has 5 distinct spaces, and represents an area of the city, which includes the space known as the headquarters, which is shaded in blue. This entire blue area is considered to be ONE space, and contains the DA’s office, the police station, city hall, the courthouse, the hospital, and the jail (which holds certain characters who can supply you with needed info).

[photo of tile with an arrow and/or labeling, which indicates where HQ portion is located]

The tile also includes four spaces located in the surrounding safe-zone (in green). Each corner of the oversized tile has exactly one safe-space.

[photo of tile with arrows and/or labeling, which indicates where the safe-spaces are located]

Detectives can visit the HQ by either placing their meeple in one of the green (safe) spaces adjacent to the HQ (blue space) OR by entering the HQ (blue space).  Detectives are allowed to, not only enter, but even pass through the HQ and out the other side.  Visiting the HQ allows detectives to deliver info to the DA (for status points), or to gain info from a detainee housed in the jail. Resorting to acquiring information from detainees requires some sort of special treatment for the detainees, which must be authorized by the DA or others at HQ.  Getting this authorized costs detectives Status Points.


Each snitch has a specific Zone of Influence, also known as a ZOI (indicated in red on the map tiles).  It requires the placing of at least two map tiles to complete an entire ZOI.  Each map tile has one or more areas considered to be within a snitch’s ZOI.  It ALSO has one or more areas free of the influence of any snitch, considered “safe” (indicated in green on the map tiles).

[photo of a complete ZOI]


The board begins with just the HQ and grows over time as players place map tiles.  Detectives are allowed to move freely through safe spaces (green), but can never enter a ZOI Space (red).  A safe space is bounded by the edge of the tile and the ZOI. A ZOI space is bounded by the edge of the tile and the safe space.

[photo of a tile with labels of both kinds of spaces]


Each detective starts with a standard amount of street cred (capacity of 4 info cubes).  Street cred is critical to a detective’s ability to gain information from snitches.  When a detective elevates their street cred, they can handle (acquire, posses, and transport) more information. One way to build your network is to upgrade your detective to a Level II street cred rating (capacity of 6 info cubes).


The board is populated over time with two types of characters, detectives and snitches.  They are represented in different ways.  Detectives are meeples which move about the board. Since Snitches set-up their information gathering operations in a certain part of the city, they are represented with immobile markers, which are placed in one specific space within their ZOI.  Each character on the board has a corresponding tile.  The tiles are placed in front of the controlling player, so that everyone can tell the power (carrying capacity) and current status (info being held) of a character.

[photo of a Snitch tile and a Detective tile]



A turn consists of the action phase, followed by the collection phase.


● ACTION POINTS:  (5 per turn)

▲ DRAW a city map tile (1 action point)

▲ PLAY a city map tile (1 action point)

▲ MOVE your detective (1 action point / space)

▲ COERCE [meet a new Snitch](free action)

▲ BUILD your network by either establishing a snitch, or growing your street cred.

(4 action points plus info cubes OR pay with status points).

▲ INTERROGATE [other’s snitch] (3 actions)

▲ JURISDICTION [bump] (2 action points)

▲ ADMINISTRATION [move cubes or visit jail / DA](free action)

▲ FLIP an action chip into an active position (1 action point / chip).

Let’s take a closer look at each action type…

● DRAW A TILE:  Select a face down tile from the supply stack and place it right-side-up in front of you for all to see.  There is no hand limit.

 ● PLAY A TILE:  Placing city map tiles is done in a very natural and intuitively logical fashion.  If it looks right, it probably is right! Here’s the details.

When a tile is placed into the playing area, streets must match up, safe spaces may ONLY touch other safe spaces, and ZOI Spaces may ONLY touch other ZOI spaces.  At least one of the corners of the tile being placed must match up with at least one other corner of an already placed tile.  At least one entire side of the tile being placed must touch the side of another already placed tile.

● MOVE:  You may move your Detective orthogonally (not diagonally) from one space to the next using safe spaces (green) or the HQ space (blue), but NEVER touching a ZOI space (red). Each time you spend an action point to move one space, you are leaving one tile and moving onto another.  Only one detective at a time is allowed to stop in any given space, but they are allowed to pass through a space containing another detective (a special exception exists for those who are performing the Jurisdiction Action).   During movement no other actions can be performed.

● COERCE:  This is a free action. It means that a detective has made meaningful initial contact with a new source (someone who does not yet have any sort of relationship with a detective and who has access to valuable info).  This occurs after the final tile is placed forming a complete ZOI and the active player’s detective is positioned on a safe space directly adjacent to the newly formed ZOI.

The active player must declare they are taking the Coerce action (a free action) before taking the following steps:

1.  Select one of the face-down info ID markers, and place it on the ZOI in the face-up position.  Note:  If the supply of Markers runs out then players may not take this action.

2.  Take info cubes from the general supply that are of the same color as the ID marker.  These cubes are to be placed on the ZOI.  The quantity of info cubes is equal to the number of spaces on the ZOI.  These cubes represent the type of info the Snitch is able to acquire.

3.  As a third step, detectives are allowed to pick up the cubes off the ZOI. This is actually done by taking the Administrative action known as Move Info.  When performing this action detectives would be allowed to gather the cubes just produced and Place them on their detective tile.  If unable to fit them all, some must be left behind on the ZOI.  What is left behind can either be the info created as a result of the coerce action, or info already in possession of the detective.

● UPGRADE:  Upgrading one of your character tiles (Snitch or Detective) costs 4 action points and may be done in any order (e.g. – snitch #3 can be built before #1, etc).  Taking this action means you are either going to a Level II street cred, OR establishing a snitch.  In addition to the 4 action points, upgrading costs EITHER a set number of Status Points OR specified Info Cubes.  These costs are indicated on the backs of each of your tiles.

When upgrading, regardless of the “payment” type being used (specified Info Cubes or Status Points), Detectives must deliver the items needed to the “building site” (location where the upgrade is occurring).  This means that the resources must be located on the exact Safe Space of the Map Tile where the Detective is located and/or be accessible from that space (e.g. – a space adjacent to a ZOI where and Info Cube had spilled onto that ZOI).

When upgrading, Detectives pay the required resources to the bank (general supply) and immediately place the new item into action.

▲SNITCH:  To activate a Snitch, the detective AND the resources must be stopped in a space directly adjacent to the “building site” (the exact space within the ZOI where the Snitch will be now placed and shall remain for the rest of the game).

The Snitch being activated shall be represented on the board with a specific Snitch Marker (I for snitch #1, II for #2, and III for #3).  Since the Snitch Marker is placed on the exact ZOI space where it was activated, it can only be accessed in the future from an adjacent safe space on that same tile (there is usually only one such space).

After placing the Snitch Marker, the player also flips over the Snitch tile in their playing area to the active position, and should be prepared to place an info cube (if one is available) on the Snitch tile at the end of this and every future turn.

Only one Snitch may be activated per ZOI, and only AFTER a Coercion has taken place.

▲LEVEL II STREET CRED:  When building your network by upgrading your detective to a higher street cred rating, the player flips over their detective tile.  This upgrade increases from 4 to 6 the number of Info cubes the Detective can securely possess and move.

Since Detectives need 5 cubes to upgrade, but only carry 4 at one time, this posses a unique challenge. The solution is to get 5 cubes in one place through a combination of your carrying capacity AND the cubes that can be found in certain locations on the board.

Cubes can be found in such places as: Your own Snitch, through Interrogation of another’s Snitch, through the Coercion action, loose cube(s) on a ZOI, and through a Jail visit.

A Detective tile can be upgraded from any space, as long as they have the needed resources with them (it is allowed to combine the assets found on their Detective tile with those found on the adjacent ZOI or HQ space).

● INTERROGATE:  You can use this action to gain needed information from other detectives’ snitches. You must be on a board space directly adjacent to another detective’s existing snitch and announce you are going to spend 3 action points interrogating the snitch.

Then, The detective who controls the snitch receives one info cube of the snitch’s color from the general supply in compensation for another detective using their snitch (place this info cube on the snitch’s tile, NOT on the detective’s tile). If the snitch’s tile is full, the info cube spills onto the ZOI.

And, if available, the detective taking the action receives ONE info cube of the matching color.  This cube is placed directly on the detective’s tile if you choose (and have space available). If not, the cube is placed in the ZOI for anyone to take.

Thus, a grand total of two cubes are generated via this action.

● JURISDICTION:  This action costs two action points and can ONLY be taken when the active player moves into an occupied safe space directly adjacent to one of their own snitches.  This is the only exception to the ONE detective per space rule.  The active detective must immediately declare they are taking the jurisdiction action. The detective originally in the space is “bumped out” into their choice of unoccupied orthogonally adjacent spaces.  In the event no such unoccupied space exists, they are allowed to move orthogonally two spaces in order to find an unoccupied space.  If this is not possible, then 3 (or 4/5, as needed) in order to finally find an unoccupied space to land.  The detective who was bumped to a new space by this action may, if they choose, flip one of their action chips.

● ADMINISTRATION:  Detectives can perform various duties under the broad heading of administration (or admin).  Admin actions are free actions (cost no action points).

▲MOVE INFO:  Detectives can move info cubes as a free action, as follows:

DETECTIVE/SNITCH — Players’ snitches and their detective located in directly adjacent spaces on the board may move info cubes between them (within carrying capacity limitations) as part of the general admin action (detectives and snitches must be on the same tile when this is done).
The reasons that some real-life detectives engage in this activity are varied and complicated, for more info on this visit our website at:

UNCLAIMED CUBES — On their turn, any player may load an unclaimed info cube (any cube that is not in the direct possession of another detective or Snitch).  This can be done any time a detective is positioned in a safe space that is directly adjasent to the ZOI containing the unclaimed cube (or cubes).  This means ANY safe space that touches ANY of the ZOI spaces.  This is true, because the cube is NOT considered to be in any specific space, but instead to be on the ZOI in general.

NOT LOADING — Detectives are always allowed to choose what info they wish to carry.  At any time the exact info held by a detective appears as info cubes on their Tile.  They are never required to load info onto their tile.

DUMPING — Detectives may dump unwanted cubes onto any ZOI space by taking the free Admin action.

▲VISIT THE JAIL:  When at the HQ players may visit the jail to gain new information from a detainee.  This free admin action allows a detective to acquire any info cube they want from the general supply. The downside of taking this action is that in order to gain the new info detectives have to cut-deals with the detainees, which the DA does not like to do.  For this reason, the detective taking the action actually loses status! Ten status points must be given back to the general supply.  Cubes acquired in this manner are allowed to rest upon the HQ tile during the players turn.  Note that, there is no rule restricting a detective from acquiring an info cube and then using it to upgrade their detective to a Level II Street Cred all in the same turn while located on the HQ tile.

▲ VISIT THE DA:  When at the HQ, detectives can hold a meeting with the DA to deliver info, and are rewarded in the form of status points. The amount per cube depends on the diversity of the overall delivery.  The DA needs a variety of info, so the more types of info delivered, the more detectives are rewarded per cube.

Reward Per Cube:

1 type of info = 1 SP (status point) / info cube
2 types = 2 SPs / info cube
3 = 3
4 = 4
5 = 5
6 = 6.

Example:  3 red + 1 blue + 2 gold = 6×3 = 18 status points.

A delivery of info to the DA must come directly from a detective’s tile to the DA. Info can’t be pre-stacked on the HQ tile for delivery.  It can be a cube acquired from the Jail prior, but must reside on the Detective’s tile at the time of delivery. The maximum total reward for a single delivery of info is 36 status points and requires a Level II street cred.

Status points are considered unlimited.  If someone is owed more status points than remain in the general supply, write out an IOU or use some other means of accounting.

● FLIPPING AN ACTION CHIP:  Each player has 4 action chips.  They begin the game face down (in the dead position).  Chips flipped into the active (live) face-up position may be spent by a player in future turns, thus allowing them to take more than their normal 5 actions (up to 9 if they have banked all 4 chips).


Once a detective is finished with their action phase, they begin the collection phase. In the collection phase, each snitch the detective controls produces one info cube.


Each snitch earns the type of info cube as indicated on that snitch’s ZOI (previously determined during the coerce action).


Each snitch holds information ONLY for the detective to whom they are loyal (the one who “built” them).  There is a limit to the amount of info that can be held in this manner by each snitch. This is depicted on the snitch’s tile.


In any order they want, the detective MUST move ONE cube per snitch from the general supply to the snitch’s tile.  The new info cube is stored securely in the snitch up to the capacity of that snitch.  If the specific info cube needed for any of the Snitches is not available in the general supply, then no cube is given (nor owed).


Snitches have trouble keeping their mouths shut.  Here’s how this plays out in the game:

If there is NOT room for the new info cube on the Snitches tile, then the Snitch “spills the beans” and the info cube is placed on the ZOI outside of the snitch marker.  This means that any detective on their turn who is directly adjacent to the any of that ZOI’s spaces may load this discarded info cube with an admin action.


● PUBLIC INFORMATION:  Everything is public information (player’s city map tiles, status points, info cubes, etc.)

—■ Red = Blood (info about a suspect’s violent acts)
—■ Gold = Loot (info about a suspect’s stolen goods)
—■ Green = Cash (info about a suspect’s illegally acquired income)
—■ Black = Guns (info about a suspect’s illegal possession of fire arms)
—■ Blue = Muscle (info about a suspect’s known associates)
—■ Brown = Locale (info about a suspect’s whereabouts and proximity to certain crimes)


▲ MOVE:   Detective moves two spaces to the HQ = 2 action points

▲ JAIL:  Detective visits the jail and gains one info cube (admin action) = 0 action points.

▲ DA:  Detective visits the DA to exchange the newly acquired info cube (along with the rest they posses) for status points (admin action) = 0 action points

▲ FLIP:  Detective turns 3 action chips from dead to live (to be used in some a future move) = 3 action points


Snitch! plays very differently as a solo game than it does with multiple players.  Some things are not possible in the solo game (interrogation and jurisdiction actions).  With just one player, it’s very exciting and turns go EXTREMELY fast!  As a solo game, Snitch! is all about “Beating Yourself!”

Here’s how it works: Play a game and note the number of turns it took you to “Make a Solid Case” (trigger the end of the game).  Then multiply the number of turns by 3 and subtract that amount from your score (meaning your total victory points).

THAT is your Solo-Rating, or in other words, your score to beat!

Good Luck!

We encourage you to keep playing until you can attain a Solo-Rating you think is pretty good. Please let us know your score by posting it on BGG.

WORLD RECORD:  Yes there is a World Record Holder. Want to see who it is and learn more?  To learn more go to the Official Home for SOLO-SNITCH!


The game-end is triggered once a player has established a “Solid Case”, which is at least 60 Status Points AND at least 2 Upgrades to your characters (Snitches and/or Level II Street Cred for your detective).

Note that the 60 Status Points must come in the form of tokens/coins only, victory points listed on upgraded tiles do NOT count toward this total.

This ending of the game is also considered the end of the investigation.  If a player thinks someone has reached this level, they should point this out to the rest of the players so the details can be verified. Once verified, play continues finishing out the current round AND one additional round after that.  To figure out when the round is over, stop just before the player holding the “First Player Marker” (the player who took the very first move of the whole game). This allows for all players to have the same number of turns in a game.

FILLER: For a shorter game variant, use 40 Status Points with NO minimum number of upgrades.

MARATHON: For a longer game variant, use 200 Status Points plus ALL builds must be completed.


The winner is the player with the most power at the end of the game (after the last player has completed their full turn).  Power is measured in victory points.  Victory points are calculated as follows:

● STATUS POINTS:  Are worth their face value in victory points.  Status Points are represented in the game by the round tokens, which are the currency of the game.

● UPGRADES:  See points indicated on each player’s tiles (and in summary below).

● CUBES:  1 point each.

TIE-BREAKERS:  In the event of a tie between any two players, the winner is the one with the lowest total value of their status point rounds (though counter-intuitive, this means they have the best info gathering infrastructure moving forward).  If players are still tied, the winner is the player with the most pent-up value in their info cubes scored as follows:  The 1st cube of any type is worth 10 points, 2nd is worth 9, and so on.  Total up these points for an ultimate winner.  If still tied, the 3rd tie breaker is “most map tiles”.  If, after this, there is still no clear winner, it’s time to post on BGG, because that would be pretty amazing!


Carrying Capacity:  2
Victory Points:  3
Cost in Status Points:  11
– or –
Cost in Cubes:  green + blue  -OR-  red + black  -OR-  yellow + brown

Carrying Capacity:  4
Victory Points:  7
Cost in Status Points:  19
– or –
Cost in Cubes:  Red + blue + brown  -OR-  green + black + yellow

Carrying Capacity:  6
Victory Points:  20
Cost in Status Points:  31
– or –
Cost in Cubes:  Any 5 different colored cubes

Level II Street Cred:
Carrying Capacity:  6
Victory Points:  8
Cost in Status Points:  16
– or –
Cost in Cubes:  5 total cubes (any mix of colors)*

* Yes this is possible to achieve with a Level I Street Cred (carrying capacity of 4).
